The Journey to Transformation

The Journey to Transformation

Humans embark on a journey of transformation as they reflect on the meaning of their existence. This journey of transformation is a journey undertaken to discover the true meaning of one's self, with the destination, or transformation, occurring when one completes his journey.

Each person has a unique journey that helps shape who they become. It can be a transformative journey that helps them discover their true potential. Although transformation is the result of who they are, the path that leads them to their destination is the most influential part of their journey.

A Call is an event that occurs in one's life. It can be triggered by an event in one's life that has been keeping them occupied. Or it could be an unexpected and possibly unwelcome event. In any case, the Call provides us with an opportunity to venture into the unknown and explore the unexpected. It is a portal to an adventure that lies ahead, full of opportunities for shedding old growth, discovering aspects of our lives and selves, and the possibility of a more fulfilling life yet to be lived

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